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Indigenous Community Health Workers in Rural Areas of Fresno

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

March 2024 - Monthly Newsletter

Fresno, California - Indigenous community workers at Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño (CBDIO) are playing a fundamental role in bringing information about health resources to rural areas where a large number of the Indigenous community is located. Community health workers conduct door-to-door visits, host community information sessions, and distribute educational materials to inform the community about available resources, In Huron, Kerman, Caruthers, Fresno, and Selma. They do outreach in the fields, bakeries, farmers markets, stores, and anywhere farmworkers in the community can be found. This means that community workers do outreach as early as 3:00 AM and as late as 9:00 PM. They also assist community members in completing Medi-cal applications and connecting them with primary care clinics and mental health services, ultimately serving as a bridge between our rural communities and the health resources available to them. (Photo 3/5/24).

Expanding Medi-Cal for All, Regardless of Immigration Status

The expansion of Medi-Cal in the state of California has opened new doors to access to healthcare for everyone, regardless of immigration status. This initiative is a crucial step toward health equity and ensuring that no one is left behind due to their legal status. CBDIO’s Indigenous community workers are bringing vital information to rural areas, ensuring that every person is informed and has the opportunity to receive the medical care they need. The health disparities team in Fresno helps educate and empower communities about this and the many resources available to them. During the month of March, the total number of outreach was 880 people and a total of 23 different outreach events. In the month of March, the Health disparities team held a Medi-Cal informational event in Huron, CA. There were 74 people reached, and 28 people who were able to complete their Medi-Cal application during this event. The languages ​​found were Spanish, Mixtec, Otomi, Q'anjob'al, Tzotzil, Chol, Zapotec. (Photo 3/17/24)

CBDIO's Multilingual Education Initiative through Social Media

One of the many barriers that the Indigenous community faces every day is the lack of access when obtaining services in their native languages. CBDIO has launched an initiative aimed at creating informational videos about the expansion of Medi-Cal in 16 different languages. These videos are being posted on the CBDIO’s Facebook page for community access. The languages ​​are the following: Tlapaneco, Zapoteco, Mixteco de Yucuquimi, Mixteco de San Miguel Cuevas, Mixteco de San Sebastián, Triqui de San Martín Itunyoso, Mixteco de Mixtepec, Chatino, Amuzgo, Mixteco de Guerrero, Mixteco de San Martín Peras, Mixteco from San José de las Flores, Triqui de Copala and Español. These videos have topics related to the expansion of Medi-Cal in California explaining the application process and highlighting the benefits of having health coverage through Medi-Cal. The efforts of CBDIO's community health workers are making a significant difference in empowering the Indigenous community. For more information about the health program, contact Teresa Morales, Fresno Health Coordinator, at


Improving Maternal Mental Health through Platicas in Greenfield

Greenfield, California - The Maternal Mental Health (MMH) team in CBDIO’s Greenfield office completed in March another series of Mamas Platicando y Sanando (“mothers talking and healing”). The MMH team uses the Mothers and Babies Curriculum, developed by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and have adapted the program to make the curriculum more linguistically and culturally accessible for Indigenous mothers. In the most recently completed 6-session series of platicas (“conversations”), the MMH team reached more than 61 Indigenous mothers (Mixteco and Triqui), and talked about postpartum depression, managing stress, and reducing symptoms of depression. In their evaluations of the program, the mothers expressed great trust in CBDIO's community workers, feeling more able to talk about their feelings and emotions, and that the mental health platicas have provided them great support in improving their mood throughout the day. CBDIO would like to thank Sunlight Giving and Behavioral Health of Monterey County for their support of this program. For more information about the Mamas program, contact Erika Librado, Greenfield Program Manager, at


Statewide Reach



Reestablishing the Immigration Program at Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Oaxaqueño (CBDIO)

Gregorio Matiaz Sebastian joined CBDIO as the new Immigration Program Manager on March 4, 2024. Gregorio is originally from Santa Ines Yatzechi, Zimatlan de Alvarez, Oaxaca, Mexico, where the population speaks Zapoteco del Valle. He was previously a DOJ Accredited Representative for more than eight years representing applicants with immigration benefits such as Family Petition, DACA, Advance Parole, Parole In Place, Naturalization, Acquisition of Citizenship, Derivation of Citizenship, Military Naturalization, U Visa nonimmigrant, VAWA, Waivers, and Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. He possesses extensive expertise in executing and supervising immigration grants whether it is from local organizations or the state. His fervent dedication is shown by a desire to empower immigrants towards greater freedom. With his addition and leadership to the team, CBDIO has relaunched the organization's immigration program with an emphasis on a comprehensive strategy aimed at expanding CBDIO’s services. CBDIO is poised to make a meaningful difference in the lives of immigrants navigating the complexities of the U.S. immigration system.

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